tune/italian_hymn_giardini' h='ID=SERP,6197.1'>ITALIAN HYMN

tune/old_hundredth_bourgeois' h='ID=SERP,6194.1'>OLD HUNDREDTH

hymn/NNBH1977/3' h='ID=SERP,6193.1'>All people that on earth do dwell tune/coro nation_holden' h='ID=SERP,6191.1'>CORO NATION The New National Baptist Hymnal 21st Century Edition Red (9780967502908) The New National Baptist Hymnal | /hymnal/NNBH1977 thead tHeader # This 21st century hymnal includes such features as a glossary of musical terms, scriptural based meditations (KJV), benedictions, offeratory appeals, an thems, praise songs, children's songs, contemporary gospel songs, scriptural references for each hymn title, and many o ther features.